The Creation of Gusta & Gusto

As a storyteller, I wanted to write a story that would appeal to an audience of all ages. The whimsical world of rhinos became the perfect canvas to explore profound themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the beauty of friendship. Inspired by the mix of human-like emotions and fantastical animal forms, I embarked on a journey to create a story connecting different thoughts and perspectives. Connecting hearts and generations. Writing, directing, voicing, and scoring the audiobook fully immersed me in the creative process. Each chapter emerged like obvious brushstrokes on a canvas, formed by compositions of laughter, reflection, and wonder. With my deep respect for language, rhythm, and storytelling, I dramaturgically polished the scenes with a healthy balance of humor, poetry, and animal wisdom. Increasingly, I got to know Gusta & Gusto better; their character traits became more distinctive and experiential, and with each adventure, Gusta & Gusto became more alive as the audiobook took shape in an organic way. And now Gusta & Gusto are alive, and sometimes I think about what they would do in different circumstances, and because they are so tangible, I always have a sense of how they would behave in different situations. The creation of Gusta & Gusto was a labor of love, coupled with years of experience with the craft of writing, fuelled by inspiration, creativity, and a passion for storytelling. With the invaluable support of Spoken Realms and Blackstone Publishing, these whimsical, humorous, and loving stories have come to life and won listeners' hearts worldwide. The stories of "Gusta & Gusto" enchant, inspire and remind us again and again of the beauty and magic that lies within us all... we just have to believe it. Or as Gusta says: "Just jump into the mud bath and trust." Enjoy the new cover The original first cover

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